NOTICE: As of today, I am no longer active on Facebook and will be deleting my profile and all related pages in the next 2 weeks.
Why? For me, the current Cambridge Analytica debacle is the straw that broke the camel’s back – enough is enough! Facebook can no longer be trusted to do the right thing with my content and my data; and without a doubt a lot more negligence and all kinds of unethical behaviour on their end is going to emerge in the next few weeks. This has taken on Snowden-affair-like proportions and it’s time to pull the plug.
You can read more about my decision here: or watch this video interview on CNNMoney Switzerland:
If you want to stay in-touch please connect with me via Twitter or LinkedIn or via this site, and sign up for my newsletter at
Finally: maybe a paid social network would finally be a plausible idea? Please take this quick survey.
Current results are below.
Some related resources
From my blog, January 2016: the evilfication of Facebook (hard to believe that was over 2 years ago!!)
Interview with Handelszeitung Switzerland (in German): we have been feeding a monster
Facebook is an AI that needs to be regulated
NEW: Podcast with Tim Renner (a good friend, collaborator, and former Secretary of State, Culture, Berlin)
Interview with (in French) «Nous transférons notre pouvoir aux machines»
All my previous posts on the Facebook issues
Header image via TechCrunch (how to delete Facebook)
To dive a bit deeper into my thinking on the topic of technology vs/with humanity, watch this short film